Information regarding registration for summer league baseball and softball can be found below. If a link is not listed that particular age group is not yet open, but will be very soon so please check back.
Cal Ripken Baseball is for grades 3-6. There will be mandatory player evaluations on Saturday, March 8 in the morning. Practices will begin in April and games will be played May - mid July. Games will be played in Sauk and surrounding communities. Registration will close on Monday, March 3rd. Please click the following link to learn more details about Cal Ripken league and register today:
Coach Pitch Baseball and Softball is for grades K, 1 and 2 and their season will start June 9 with practices and run through the end of July.
Babe Ruth Baseball is for grades 7-12. The 7 and 8th grade levels will begin practices in April and games will be played mid May - mid July. The 9-12 grade levels will begin practices and games after the conclusion of their high school seasons. Registration will open soon.
Softball is for grades 3-12 and teams will be offered at U10, U12, U14 and U16/18. Registration will open soon.
Sauk Prairie Summer Softball and Baseball is excited to announce we will again be holding the Winter/Spring Skills Clinics in 2025 for Baseball Coach Pitch and Softball. They will be held at Sauk Prairie Middle School. Each session is limited to 24 registrants. You should register your child based on the grade they are currently in.
Softball and Baseball Coach Pitch:
Who: Grades K-2
Baseball Coach Pitch - Sundays 10:45 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. (March 2 - March 30)
Softball Coach Pitch - Sundays 2:00 p.m. - 3:15 p.m. (March 2 - March 30)
Cost: $50 ($10 of that fee is pass through cost to Rec Department)
There is an additional $5 charge for non-affiliated community members. Please note that you do not need to purchase the refund insurance offered by SportsEngine - If sessions are cancelled SPSR will provide refunds (not including the processing fee).
Registration deadline is February 20, 2025 (or when sessions are full)
Softball Grades 3-8:
Who: Softball Players - Grades 3rd - 8th
Grades 3-5 Skills Clinic - Sundays - 12:15 p.m. - 1:45 p.m. (March 2 - March 30)
Grades 6-8 Skills Clinic - Sundays - 3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. (March 2 - March 30)
Cost: $50 ($10 of that fee is pass through cost to Rec Department).
Registration Deadline: Feb 20 (or when sessions are full)
There is an additional $5 charge for non-affiliated community members. Please note that you do not need to purchase the refund insurance offered by SportsEngine - If sessions are cancelled SPSR will provide refunds (not including the processing fee).
Join Sauk Prairie Summer Youth Softball and Baseball in our fundraising efforts to make much needed upgrades to the playing surfaces on the existing fields around our community.
We ran the sale prior to Christmas, but we still have some cards to sell so we have reopened the online sale. It will remain open through the end of January and cards will be mailed with 7 days of order being received.
We are excited to offer 2 different types of Kwik Trip cards for purchase and these cards are good at any Kwik Trip or Kwik Star location.
Kwik Trip Ultimate Car Wash Cards $36 per card. These cards include 5 Ultimate washes and if you purchase the card in store the cost would be $50. That's a savings of $14! ****We have a limited number of cards available - order right away to ensure you get your cards****
Kwik Trip Grocery In-Store Gift Cards Available in $10 or $25. These cards are good for purchase of any grocery item inside the Kwik Trip store (exclusions include fuel, tobacco, alcohol, lottery/lotto, stamps). The purchase price of the card is equal to the value of the card and our organization earns $1.50 for each $10 card sold and $3.75 for each $25 card sold.
Link to order:
Everyone stops at Kwik Trip now and then for staples like milk, eggs and bread or to grab a quick lunch or a take and bake dinner, so why not use these gift cards to make your purchase and help us provide our kids the quality fields they deserve! These grocery in-store gift cards would also make great gifts for teachers, mail carriers, and high school and college-aged kids.
What will the proceeds be used for?
Upgrades to existing fields: Baseball and Softball fields require regular maintenance in the form of new top dressing, professional edging, and weed control to keep them in top playing condition. The top dressing on a field needs to be added to every 2-3 years to maintain quality surfaces. Each load of material can cost between $2000 - $3000. We also purchased and installed a batting cage on the Grand Avenue Baseball field at a cost of $13,000 this year which will allow our High School JV and JV2 baseball teams along with our Babe Ruth Summer teams to have more productive practices and warm ups for many years to come.
Important Ordering Information
Any individual can use the link to order cards and they will be mailed directly to you for a $2 handling fee. Due to some changes with SportsEngine all purchasers must set up an account with SE in order to purchase. Sauk Prairie Summer Softball and Baseball will not use purchaser information in any way so privacy is protected. If you have family members not on SE that want to purchase you may want to place the order for them.
If you wish to purchase more than 10 of any one type of card you will need to do more than one transaction, but if you do them on the same day they will all be shipped/packaged together.
Please share this link with friends and family!
Thank you for your support of Sauk Prairie Summer Softball and Baseball and our efforts to provide our players the best possible fields to play on.
You must be logged into your SportsEngine Account.
Go to your profile name and clicked 'my sportsengine'.
On the left hand menu side click on 'registrations'.
From there you can see a list of everything you have registered for.
Click on the registration you want.
On the top right click on 'order details' which will bring you to a screen that shows a detailed receipt.
Right-click and print this page to submit for reimbursement of non affiliated fee to your township.
Sauk Prairie Softball and Baseball
Our goal is to provide activities that offer both recreational and competitive opportunities, physical development, character enhancement, community involvement and love of the game of baseball and softball for children at all skill levels. SPSR encourages and promotes ethical and moral behavior, teamwork, good sportsmanship, community involvement and good citizenship.
SPSR is a registered 501(c) non-profit agency.
Sauk Prairie Youth Baseball Facebook & Email:
Sauk Prairie Youth Softball Facebook & Email:
Sauk Prairie Summer Softball and Baseball